why do I get the impression that you are steadily pulling out your last couple of hairs

that is exactly one aspect of my reasons for objecting to the lockdown 'as it is', at least here in Spain where it is still much tighter than it ever was in the UK.
Yet again looking at the 'Worldometer' index, which is updated daily: I can't help but notice that almost all 'not first world countries' are reporting minimal deaths compared to us, so called, 'first world' peoples. I guess this can only be down to the 'factual reporting of deaths'.
What I mean is: If a 90 year old goes into hospital in Wacka Wacka Land and dies, they conclude that the patient was old and ill and their time was up. In the 'civilized west' they do tests and if corona was (perhaps) present, it gets blamed for that death. Had they done a targeted 'test' for diabetes that would also have been there as would any number of other ailments had anyone specifically looked for them. That's how to invent a problem

During a week long study on 'testing methods and equipment' one guy tested 4 times positive and 3 times negative. When 'tests' are all 'grey' as opposed to black or white, it is down to those compiling the statistics which way they wish for things to go. Scientific EVIDENCE is only then valid AFTER it has been verified. Not one single method of testing or counting has itself yet been verified, so how can they put the entire population of the world in an 'open prison' based upon pure speculation
In Germany hospitals are now advertising that sick people should come back to hospital as they (the hospitals) NEVER even got up to 60% of capacity during the peak of the CRISIS. That is lower than on any old weekend all year round and no where near the usual winter flu 'rush'.
That is FACT !!!
Those who do not want to 'put their head in the lions mouth' and risk getting this deadly virus 'because they have underlaying conditions and may well die if they catch the virus in hospital' will almost certainly discontinue their essential treatment and so are likely to die anyway; what a dilemma ! How many will opt for suicide before capitulation ?
Those killed by corona who never even had it

By the way, the WHO (who ever they are) are now saying that the virus could vanish during summer and may never return

WHAT !!!!!
They have destroyed the worlds economy, put countless millions of people out of work, perhaps forever (in their lifetime), and now it 'might have been a shadow and not a monster. These pricks need putting in an asylum

THEY 'W.H.O.' make Tony murdering Blair look like Mother Teresa.
Finally congratulations to John for smashing his own record by 8% !