Well done Arnie,
I was just about to start a new thread 'Odd', odd that there aren't dozens of new threads on this site. What are YOU all up to ? Here YOU could all be spreading mayhem, I do my best, but was about to give up, because while talking to oneself is a sign of madness, writing to and replying to oneself is positively certifiable

Here we have had a week of rain, some very heavy, washing away part of our walking track, me and the dogs that is. The rain is most welcome as the ground was powder dry and as hard as rock. Now I can press on with pulling up some flags, laid by my predecessor, and getting my new garden up and running. This virus malarkey will go on for some time and I hope to be ready, come what may.
I spend a lot of time out with the dogs, sometimes talking to them endlessly. All I get in return is enquiring looks and ignorance because they have also realized that I am mad, after all, which sane person expects an answer from their dogs ? Especially the blind one, who I am always bollocking for wandering off. He drives me nut, constantly retracing my steps to see where he has gone. If Big Brother had a trace on me, he too would want me certifying, me walking back and forth, as if I were in a prison cell, when I am out in the countryside

Not much else to do except eat and sleep and watch the news to see if I am dead already

. Ah food, now there's an idea

ttfn !