what a shame

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john kerwin
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what a shame

Post by john kerwin »

It can't be right that this guy has to sell his medal, so he can pay for his own send off.
Some of you may recall that in March 1974 an attempt was made by a gunman to kidnap our Colonel-in-Chief, HRH Princess Anne. However, boxer Ronnie Russell intervened and saved HRH and her husband Capt Mark Phillips, taking on the gunman single-handed. We have been alerted that Ronnie is now putting his George Medal up for auction due to ill-health. The medal will be sold on Wednesday (tomorrow) along with a letter from 10 Downing Street informing Mr Russell of the award and a telegram from Princess Anne and is expected to fetch between £15,000 and £20,000. The details are on the Dix Noonan Webb auctioneers website.
Michael Burgess
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Re: what a shame

Post by Michael Burgess »

Hope the Noars Arc shop keeper is going to make a bid for us :roll: :lol: :D
Bill Bentley
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Real name: Martin William Lester Bentley (Bill) (Basha !)
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Re: what a shame

Post by Bill Bentley »


what better use of medals ? More the question is, did he get a good price ?

From 2002 through to about 2008 I myself was going through a a rough patch, following an operation on my spine I had multiple infections and was on just about every medication available. In a nut shell: life wasn't much fun. I had always said that I would only sell my medals to feed my kids and that day was knocking on my door. The bank had tried to foreclose my mortgage because I had asked them to lengthen my repayment time from 10 to 15 years but they wanted to see proof of income and as I was very sick and self-employed, there was nothing to show. Four true friends each chipped in and paid off my mortgage for me, what a relief ! But now I had to repay them, sure my equity was substantial but I had no cash, so I sold my medals. They brought in nearly 40k, my father had died and I had another 20k from his estate, just enough to repay my friends :D.

I was now able to decide to give up my fight and as the side effects of the medication were so awful I stopped taking that crap expecting to snuff it. Low and behold I started to recover. We got ever more into drinking clean water and eating pure organic food from our own gardens. While you can't ignore the state of a body after many injuries etc. I'm now in a great condition. We have recently sold our farm and are now happily retired steadily eating away at our nest egg.

My point is: don't feel sorry for him, he has made a decision which will, perhaps, help him to enjoy watching the sun go down.
Bill Bentley
Posts: 439
Joined: Thu Dec 26, 2019 6:40 pm
Location: Spain
Service details: 1970 - JLR RAC, 14/20KH, Para Sqn RAC, 14/20KH, Hereford, 14/20KH, 2 Para, DLOY - 1990.
Real name: Martin William Lester Bentley (Bill) (Basha !)
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Re: what a shame

Post by Bill Bentley »

Well, there you have it, 50k and well deserved ! Perhaps he can now enjoy watching the sun go down.

My thoughts go to those who have vast amounts of money using their wealth to make real changes to the lives of worthy people, bless 'em.
This is better than having a socialist state that squanders countless millions supporting louts who are too idle to get out of bed and earn their own living.
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