Brexit is getting very close.

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Posts: 297
Joined: Sun Dec 29, 2019 12:42 pm
Location: Western Australia
Service details: Enlisted in 14th/20th King's Hussars on 2 Feb 1959.
Served Hohne and Rheindahlen 1959 - 1962
Libya 1962 Cyprus with C Sqn Dec 1963 - Feb 1964. Returned to Benghazi
then to Tripoli with B Sqn until Sep 1964. Left for Courses in NBC then to 7 Armoured Brigade till 1967.
Transferred to Intelligence Corps 67. First posting to Northern Ireland 67 - 70.
Singapore 70 - 71, Hong Kong 71 - 72. NI 72 - 74. NITAT (Northern Ireland Training and Advisory Team) 74 - 76. Berlin 76 - 79. Final Posting, Preston Int and Security Section. Stupidly Retired on 1 Feb 81, and emigrated to Australia.
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Brexit is getting very close.

Post by Arnie »

Arnie to you all, Respond whatever your views on Brexit, whether you are a Brexiteer or a Remoaner. That last word tells you where my loyalty's lie.
All the indications I see, albeit by social media, cos I gave up watching FAKE NEWS, quite a while ago, are that it will take place in 8 days and that by Dec 2020 will be final with NO Deal and on WTO Terms.
Having given up heavy drinking years ago I will raise a glass or two of wine. Best wishes to the Brexiteers among you all and commiserations to any of you who are silly enough to be a Remoaner.
By the same token I don't think we have heard the last on the subject.
Am looking forward to the demise of the H.o. Lords being kicked into touch and whats this nonsense about foisting them on the poor Yorkshire Tykes. :D :D :D :D :D
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Re: Brexit is getting very close.

Post by Pinky »

I would of voted for BREXIT had I lived in the UK. Enough of the frogs and huns telling the British folk what to do.
European Army - what a joke.
Time to leave.
Michael Burgess
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Real name: Mick Burgess
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Re: Brexit is getting very close.

Post by Michael Burgess »

Hi Fellas
Yes its getting close and even now there are "Doom Bugs" who are constantly warning of gloom and doom high interest rates shortage of pharmaceuticals medical European applicants. Financiers warning of business collapse food shortages etc
I am old enough to remember before we joined the common market the country was prosperous full employment enough home supplies to meet our needs.
We can trade with the world on our own terms thank god we did not join the Euro Rule Britannia
Take care old friends
Mick/Marion :lol: :D :roll:
Posts: 297
Joined: Sun Dec 29, 2019 12:42 pm
Location: Western Australia
Service details: Enlisted in 14th/20th King's Hussars on 2 Feb 1959.
Served Hohne and Rheindahlen 1959 - 1962
Libya 1962 Cyprus with C Sqn Dec 1963 - Feb 1964. Returned to Benghazi
then to Tripoli with B Sqn until Sep 1964. Left for Courses in NBC then to 7 Armoured Brigade till 1967.
Transferred to Intelligence Corps 67. First posting to Northern Ireland 67 - 70.
Singapore 70 - 71, Hong Kong 71 - 72. NI 72 - 74. NITAT (Northern Ireland Training and Advisory Team) 74 - 76. Berlin 76 - 79. Final Posting, Preston Int and Security Section. Stupidly Retired on 1 Feb 81, and emigrated to Australia.
Real name:
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Re: Brexit is getting very close.

Post by Arnie »

HI Yall, saw the other day on Youtube that over a 1000 Finance Institutions have already applied for permission to operate in UK. That is over a 1000, the real figure was 1700 but some have been there before and just need to re-open their UK Branches. SOME SLUMP!!!. Look after yourself, appears Boris is looking after the Country. :D :D :D :D :D :D
Bill Bentley
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Service details: 1970 - JLR RAC, 14/20KH, Para Sqn RAC, 14/20KH, Hereford, 14/20KH, 2 Para, DLOY - 1990.
Real name: Martin William Lester Bentley (Bill) (Basha !)
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Re: Brexit is getting very close.

Post by Bill Bentley »

Boris was certainly not my first choice, but I am glad that things got cleared up so decisively, it should allow us to move on.
I was and remain a keen supporter of Brexit, even though, like Pinky, I was not allowed to vote in the referendum.

Having lived in Germany for a round 30 years now, I have seen at first hand what that silly cow Merkle has done to this country, and indeed what successive Prime Ministers have done to the Uk while a member of the EU, which we never joined ! We were sucked in when the European Free Trade agreement 'grew up'.

I am keen that we continue to be trading partners, but reject the DICTATORSHIP of Brussels, who have never been elected by the peoples of Europe.
It's only as complicated as they all choose to make it. I should prefer a clean break on WTO rules and then make new contracts, instead of adjusting existing, complicated, old rubbish, contracts; because they obviously never did a good job, otherwise we would not be in this mess !

I just hope that we have enough clever NEW young people in Parliament and that the 'dead wood' gets washed down the river quickly, because we simply have to push on or we shall get pushed over.

So, it's good luck from me to those trying to make the best of what's on offer.
Last edited by Bill Bentley on Sat Jan 25, 2020 11:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 297
Joined: Sun Dec 29, 2019 12:42 pm
Location: Western Australia
Service details: Enlisted in 14th/20th King's Hussars on 2 Feb 1959.
Served Hohne and Rheindahlen 1959 - 1962
Libya 1962 Cyprus with C Sqn Dec 1963 - Feb 1964. Returned to Benghazi
then to Tripoli with B Sqn until Sep 1964. Left for Courses in NBC then to 7 Armoured Brigade till 1967.
Transferred to Intelligence Corps 67. First posting to Northern Ireland 67 - 70.
Singapore 70 - 71, Hong Kong 71 - 72. NI 72 - 74. NITAT (Northern Ireland Training and Advisory Team) 74 - 76. Berlin 76 - 79. Final Posting, Preston Int and Security Section. Stupidly Retired on 1 Feb 81, and emigrated to Australia.
Real name:
x 6
x 19

Re: Brexit is getting very close.

Post by Arnie »

Hi Yall and Bill, with the renewed calls for the abolition of the Hse of Lazy Bludgers, did anybody notice how quickly they accepted Boris's new Brexit Act, after the Commons threw it back with NONE of their amendments accepted. If they abolish the place they knew they would have to spend their inheritances or get a job. They should practice saying "Is that fries with that...."? Two 'Senators' per County would be much cheaper than the present collection of Bludgers. Just a thought to consider, as they were not Elected, I hope the State is NOT obliged to pay them a pension.
Bill Bentley
Posts: 439
Joined: Thu Dec 26, 2019 6:40 pm
Location: Spain
Service details: 1970 - JLR RAC, 14/20KH, Para Sqn RAC, 14/20KH, Hereford, 14/20KH, 2 Para, DLOY - 1990.
Real name: Martin William Lester Bentley (Bill) (Basha !)
x 1
x 39

Re: Brexit is getting very close.

Post by Bill Bentley »

a man of your experience should know better: The state (the taxpayer) still pays the full wages and running costs of all Bishops and I do not doubt their pensions too. That deal was set up following the Reformation (I think it was), many, many generations ago. The Lords will only go at great expense to the taxpayers, me thinks.
Perhaps we should have another 'clean break', not just with the EU but also with a thousand years of supporting and carrying 'dead wood', which at the end of the day is only fit for burning :lol:.

Seriously, it seems ridiculous to keep hanging on to many of the old rules and traditions which have no tangible value in these modern times.

I would even be open to a referendum on maintaining the Royal Family in its present form. Believing myself that our nation would be poorer without the Queen, I would hope that a good majority would vote to keep her. Perhaps though removing some of the 'hangers on', they could loose their titles and any hereditary advantages that they may still have.

How weird, I'm sounding to myself like a fucking commie, even though I've been a true blue all of my life :?
Posts: 484
Joined: Thu Dec 26, 2019 11:31 am
Location: Alberta, Canada
Service details: 1979 JLR RAC. 14/20H then that other regiment. 1979-2003
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Re: Brexit is getting very close.

Post by Pinky »

or just send them over here, apparently its the trendy thing to do!
Give it time Meg and Harry, the media have already been seen hiding in the bushes on Vancouver Island, give it time.
I'm pro Royalty. God save the Queen. She must be disgusted with Harry. History repeating itself - yank divorcee etc etc etc.
Have a great weekend one and all.
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