This is our new Forum based within our new website:
In addition to the new Website the Shop and Forum also included in one place. The hosting is much cheaper too
I'll be updating the Website over time but I won't be able to get everything copied across until we do have control of the old websites. The Shop is fully Open for business, but we're still waiting for the stock owned by Noah's Arc to be handed over!
Service details: Joined the Regiment in June '52 at Haig Lines, Crookham, Hants, initially in to Recce Troop. Regiment moved to Sabratha in November '52, where Recce Troop disbanded. joined 4th. troop 'A' sqdn. later SHQ troop. Demobbed in '54 & transferred to Staffs. Yeomanry, finally discharged in '56.
Hey Bob. Why should you personally and solely have to fund the new website? I'm sure I'm not the only one who'd be happy to chuck in our twopennoth if it would help. How do we go about it? Cheers, Syd.
It's my passion which drives me. I can't watch Noah's Arc decline and do nothing.
I'm selling stuff within the Online Shop (which I also have to buy myself) at a very small profit, and receiving some commission from sales of other stuff. When I have enough in the account I'll transfer it back to me. Anything left over will be passed to the new committee, or donated to the KRH Regimental Association. Don't worry about me, I'll be okay.
Service details: Joined the Regiment in June '52 at Haig Lines, Crookham, Hants, initially in to Recce Troop. Regiment moved to Sabratha in November '52, where Recce Troop disbanded. joined 4th. troop 'A' sqdn. later SHQ troop. Demobbed in '54 & transferred to Staffs. Yeomanry, finally discharged in '56.
Hey Bob. My suggestion of March 2020, that all, well perhaps just some of us, might chip in to help with costs of the new website, seems to have flown like a lead balloon, but if you'll just show an address I'll post a tuppenny bit to get it started. Cheers, Syd.